I'm trying to use xmllint to extract data from a tag if a condition exists on a previous tag. I know there are probably better tools but I'm limited to xmllint and/or system standard commands like sed, awk, etc.
xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MainGroupEntry name="aaa" function="xxx">
<EntryType type="AAA"/>
<EntryDescription>Capture This A</EntryDescription>
<MainGroupEntry name="aaa" function="xxx">
<EntryType type="AAA"/>
<EntryDescription>Capture This A</EntryDescription>
<MainGroupEntry name="bbb" function="yyy">
<EntryType type="BBB"/>
<EntryDescription>Capture This B</EntryDescription>
<MainGroupEntry name="bbb" function="yyy">
<EntryType type="BBB"/>
<EntryDescription>Capture This B</EntryDescription>
What I'm "trying to do is; for every Entry type="AAA"
, print the accompanying EntryDescription
. I've tried different variations of: xmllint --xpath '//MainGroupEntry/EntryType[@type="AAA"]/EntryDescription/text()' my_file.xml
but I always get an empty XPath set. If I drop trying to get the Description text, I can see the entries that match my 'type' condition:
xmllint --xpath '//MainGroupEntry/EntryType[@type="AAA"]' my_file.xml
<EntryType type="AAA"/><EntryType type="AAA"/>
I just can't seem to figure out how to only grab the text from the Description field. Thoughts?
You can use the following-sibling
axis and the text()
function to extract only the text from the description:
xmllint --xpath '/MainGroup/MainGroupEntry/EntryType[@type="AAA"]/following-sibling::EntryDescription/text()' file.xml
To separate the texts, you can use the --shell
option with cat
echo 'cat /MainGroup/MainGroupEntry/EntryType[@type="AAA"]/following-sibling::EntryDescription/text()' \
| xmllint --shell file.xml
You might need to | grep -v ' -----\|/ >'
the output to remove the separators and prompt.