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Convert multi-line Excel group to individual lines

I have an Excel document with groups and username names in such a format:

Group1          user1
Group2          user2
Group3          user5

etc.etc. Each of the Groups is a single row, with all the users as a multiline entry inside a cell.

I need it to be in a single line format, so I can export it as a CSV and do something useful with it.

I don't care HOW it gets transformed (excel hotkey, python script, whatever) but it needs to look like:

Group1         user1
Group1         user2
Group1         user3
Group2         user2
Group2         user4
Group3         user5


  • Not sure I should be answering my own question, but a coworker was able to supply the answer.

    Using VBS I was able to create a module that did specifically what I needed. The code is below, where the iColumn variable is the column with the multiline data.

    Credit for the code goes to

    Sub CellSplitter1()
        Dim Temp As Variant
        Dim CText As String
        Dim J As Integer
        Dim K As Integer
        Dim L As Integer
        Dim iColumn As Integer
        Dim lNumCols As Long
        Dim lNumRows As Long
        iColumn = 2
        Set wksSource = ActiveSheet
        Set wksNew = Worksheets.Add
        iTargetRow = 0
        With wksSource
            lNumCols = .Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column
            lNumRows = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
            For J = 1 To lNumRows
                CText = .Cells(J, iColumn).Value
                Temp = Split(CText, Chr(10))
                For K = 0 To UBound(Temp)
                    iTargetRow = iTargetRow + 1
                    For L = 1 To lNumCols
                        If L <> iColumn Then
                            wksNew.Cells(iTargetRow, L) _
                              = .Cells(J, L)
                            wksNew.Cells(iTargetRow, L) _
                              = Temp(K)
                        End If
                    Next L
                Next K
            Next J
        End With
    End Sub