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Ada - Can't find library info for "check_positive.adb"

I have to learn Ada so I can write an interpreter for it. But I cannot find many resources on learning the language. I get the above message when attempting to compile the following code: I save the file as check_positive.adb. What else am I supposed to do? I ran gnatls Check_Positive.adb after I ran gnatchop -w Check_Positive.adb. I am using GNAT Community v5.1.0.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure Check_Positive is
   N : Integer;
   Put ("Enter an integer value: ");  -- Put a String
   Get (N);  --  Read in an integer value
   if N > 0 then
      Put (N);  --  Put an Integer
      Put_Line (" is a positive number");
   end if;
end Check_Positive;


  • gnatls and gnatchop will not compile your code, you should try gnatmake:

    gnatmake check_positive.adb

    be aware that GNAT expects lower-case filenames and one procedure/function/package spec/package body per file. If you organize your code that way, you won't need gnatchop.