My nodejs app calls nexmo
API to send SMS message. Here is the API:
nexmo.message.sendSms(sender, recipient, message, options, callback);
In the app, it is
const nexmo = new Nexmo({
apiKey: "nexmoApiKey",
apiSecret: "nexmoSecret"
}, { debug: true });
nexmo.message.sendSms(nexmo_sender_number, cell_country + to, message, {type: 'unicode'}, async (err, result) => {....});
Is there a way I can convert it to async/await structure like below:
const {err, result} = nexmo.message.sendSms(nexmo_sender_number, cell_country + to, vcode, {type: 'unicode'});
if (err) {.....};
//then process result...
I would like to return the message
to parent function after the message was successfully sent out.
The nexmo-node
library only supports callbacks for now. You'll need to use something like promisify
or bluebird
to convert the sendSms function to promises, and the use async/await with it. Here is an example using Node's promisify
const util = require('util');
const Nexmo = require('nexmo');
const nexmo = new Nexmo({
apiKey: "nexmoApiKey",
apiSecret: "nexmoSecret"
}, { debug: true });
const sendSms = util.promisify(nexmo.message.sendSms);
async function sendingSms() {
const {err, result} = await sendSms(nexmo_sender_number, cell_country + to, message, {type: 'unicode'});
if (err) {...} else {
// do something with result