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Osmnx: How to retreive info on bus-stop info node, which is part of a highway?

I am trying to also show info of OpenStreetMap bus-stop node 439460636 ( which is part of a highway.

I am using Python3 Osmnx

Other POIs all show perfectly. Just not the ones which are not maped as a 'amenity'. (There are more examples)

I am using jupyter notebook for my analysis:

import osmnx as ox

# Retrieve POI shelters
place_name = 'Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California, USA'
shelter = ox.pois_from_place(place_name, amenities=['shelter'])
cols = ['amenity', 'name', 'element_type', 'shelter_type',
       'building', 'network'
cols = ['amenity', 'name','element_type', 'shelter_type',
       'building', 'network'
shelter[cols].loc[(shelter['shelter_type'] == 'public_transport') ]
# Look bus-stop in highway
graph = ox.graph_from_place(place_name)
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(graph)
nodes.loc[(nodes['highway'] == 'bus_stop') ]


// gather results
  area[name="Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California, USA"];
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

The POI Kino (439460636) is not listed. The shelter right next to the POI is listed. The POI is in the middle of my area, so I do not understand how I can retreive the node info. Can you help?


  • Manually update Osmnx with the file linked in this post from chesterharvey. Final testing of feature still incomplete!

    import osmnx as ox
    # Specify the name that is used to seach for the data
    place_name = "Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California, USA"
    tags = {
    all_pois = ox.pois_from_place(place=place_name, tags=tags)
    all_pois.loc[(all_pois['highway'] == 'bus_stop')]