I am rendering a camera view inside the react-native TouchableOpacity, how do I make it clickable?
The same version of code works well on iOS, the touchableOpacity is clickable and produces the right output
<TouchableOpacity style={{width:'100%', height:300}} onPress={() =>alert("hey")}>
style={{ height: 300, width: '100%', display: this.state.camera }}
ref={(ref) => { this.camera = ref }}>
I expect the output to be an alert with "hey" when I press the TouchableOpacity instead I get nothing on android but I get a "hey" on iOs
That's because TouchableOpacity behavior diverges between iOs and Android. A quick fix would be just to replace the TouchableOpacity with TouchableWithoutFeedback in Android. Here's a way to do it:
const Touchable = Platform.select({ ios: TouchableOpacity, android: TouchableWithoutFeedback });
Then just use this constant to wrap your Camera view.
PS: Make sure you imported TouchableOpacity, TouchableWithoutFeedback and Platform from react-native module.