I am trying to extract a value in a shell script using xmllint, I was able to find and extract values by matching complete key strings. The problem is for some values I just know what the key starts with. For example: let a part of xml be:
<value> SOME_VALUE</value>
I want to extract this entire segment as write it to an output file.
So far, I have been able to match complete segments with
if (xmllint --xpath '//property[name/text()="foo.bar"]/value/text()' "$INPUT_FILE"); then
value=$(xmllint --xpath '//property[name/text()="foo.bar"]/value/text()' "$INPUT_FILE")
echo "<property><name>foo.bar</name><value>$value</value></property>">> $OUTPUT_FILE
Thanks in advance
Xpath 1.0 offers start-with(node, pattern)
function to do what you want
value=$(xmllint --xpath "//property[starts-with(name,'$name')]/value/text()" test.xml)
if [ -n "$value" ]; then
echo "<property><name>$name</name><value>$value</value></property>"
<property><name>foo.bar</name><value> SOME_VALUE</value></property>