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How to set height on <ion-img>

I have an ionic page with an ion-img inside:

    <ion-row class="ion-padding" align-items-center justify-content-center>
        <ion-label text-wrap class="ion-text-center">
          Servicio de reportes
    <ion-row align-items-center justify-content-center >
      <ion-button size="smaill" type="submit" expand="block" routerDirection="forward" (click)="selectSource()" >Capturar imagen</ion-button>

        <ion-img [src]="selectedImage" *ngIf="selectedImage"> </ion-img>


When a picture is set to selectedImage it occupies the whole screen and more. I have to scrrol to see the full image.

I want the image to occupy 20% of the screen or a fix height.

I tried to do this in css:

ion-grid {
  height: 100%;

  ion-row {
    max-height: 33.33%;

And also I tried to do with height property:

 <ion-img height: 10rem; [src]="selectedImage" *ngIf="selectedImage"> </ion-img>

And the image continues occupying the same space

How should I do this? Thanks for help.


  • if u Reduce image height write inline style< img src="" style="width:50%" >use this attribute image size(height) will reduce automatically

    No option to maximize image size