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How to get whitespace between html tags

Using Elm's Html module, the output do not have any whitespace between html tags. But for inline displayed tags, whitespace has a function and makes the browser display empty space between them.

div []
    [ strong [] [ text "Key:" ]
    , span [] [ text "value" ]
    , text "(extra)"

Results in:


Shown in a browser as: Key:value(extra)

Desired result

The desired html must have some kind of whitespace:


Shown in browser as: Key: value (extra)


  • You can make a wrapper for Html tags as follows:

    type alias HtmlTag msg =
       List (Html.Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
    interspaced : HtmlTag msg -> HtmlTag msg
    interspaced fn =
       \attr content -> fn attr (content |> List.intersperse (text " "))
    main : Html msg
    main =
        interspaced div []
            [ strong [] [ text "Key:" ]
            , span [] [ text "value" ]
            , text "(extra)"