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How to execute logic in a Kony app depending on whether it runs on iOS, Android or a web browser

I'm creating an omni-channel application using Kony and though it's all a single Javascript codebase, I'd like to conditionally execute some logic depending on whether the app is running on iOS, Android or a web browser. Something like:

if(isAndroid()) {
    //Do some stuff specific to Android.
else if(isIos()) {
    //Do some stuff specific to iOS.
else if(isWeb()) {
    //Do some stuff specific to Web.


  • Kony supports Preprocessor Directives such as #ifdef much like the C compiler's preprocessors. Since Kony projects are written in Javascript, these statements must be added in the form of special comments in order not to break the Javascript syntax. So for example #ifdef becomes //#ifdef.

    These directives can be used to write code which gets built into the application or not depending on the host OS. So I've solved this by writing this:

    var channel;
    channel = "ios"
    channel = "android"

    And then writing the rest of my logic based on the value of my channel variable.

    For a full list of the macros defined which you can use in these //#ifdef statements you can look at the first few lines in the kony_sdk.js module created by default in every Kony Visualizer project.

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