I'm trying to build a Vert.X app using Scala, and generating the routes using an OpenAPI 3 spec through the OpenAPI3RouterFactory
I need to generate the models described in my spec as Scala classes.
Is there any simple and straightforward way to accomplish this?
I'm using SBT to build my app, and I've already tried some sbt codegen plugins for Swagger, but none of them seem to work.
With vertx-web-api-contract, Router and validation handlers are generated at runtime, so you don't need to generate the routes. You can just start using the Router factory and mount the handlers you want as if it would be a Vert.x Web Router. If you want to bootstrap a new project there is a community tool called vertx-starter, but there is no Scala support now
Talking about the models, what you can do is organize your OpenAPI specification in different files, putting all data model definitions under a specific directory like spec/models
(You can find a good guide here). Then you can configure jsonschema2pojo (sbt plugin) to generate a Scala case class for each schema inside that directory. Then, if you want to repack the spec in a single file, you can configure tools like swagger-cli to run during the compilation and pack the spec back in a single file