I've downloaded the Dart archive package, but the documentation is kinda empty. I've got an object that I need to serialize in a File format, and compress it in a zip.
This is what I've managed to write so far, but it doesn't work.
static Future<List<int>> convertMeetingsListToZip(List<Meeting> list) async {
return File('meetings.zip')
.then((File encodedFile) {
Archive archive = new Archive();
archive.addFile(new ArchiveFile(
encodedFile.path, encodedFile.lengthSync(), encodedFile));
return ZipEncoder().encode(archive);
Could you please help me out?
Nevermind, I made it. Here's how:
static List<int> convertListToZip(List<dynamic> list) {
String jsonEncoded = jsonEncode(list);
List<int> utf8encoded = utf8.encode(jsonEncoded);
ArchiveFile jsonFile =
new ArchiveFile("filename.json", utf8encoded.length, utf8encoded);
Archive zipArchive = new Archive();
List<int> zipInBytes = new ZipEncoder().encode(zipArchive);
return zipInBytes;
The gist was to encode the file in bytes (with utf8.encode
) before wrapping it in an archive and encode it.