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Scala: Creating generic util with PureConfig

I am looking for some utilities in scala which fit akka well that can map HOCON to Scala class/object. (Something like @Configuration in Spring mapping the .yml or .properties file to Configuration bean/Java Class.)

What I tried with PureConfig :

spark.conf config file in resources

    master {
        host =
        port = 7077

Mapping to following scala classes :

trait Configuration {
    val nameSpace: String

case class SparkConfig(master: SparkMasterConfig) extends Configuration {
    override val nameSpace: String = "spark"

case class SparkMasterConfig(host: String,
                                    port: Int)

PureConfig works fine without generic:

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

val conf = ConfigFactory.parseResources("spark.conf")
val sparkConfig = pureconfig.loadConfig[SparkConfig]("spark")

val config = sparkConfig match {
    case Left(f) => fail(f.toString)
    case Right(c) => c

However the following generic util doesn't even compile with not enough arguments for method error

object PureConfigLoader{
    def load[T <: Configuration](clazz: Class[T]): T = {
        val nameSpace = clazz.getField("nameSpace").get().asInstanceOf[String]

        val configResult = pureconfig.loadConfig[T](nameSpace)  // this doesn't compile

        configResult match {
            case Right(x) => x.asInstanceOf[T]
            case Left(x) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Fail to parse ${clazz.getSimpleName} from namespace $nameSpace")

val config = PureConfigLoader.load(classOf[SparkConfig])

My questions are:

  1. What can I do with this generic PureConfig util?
  2. import always marked as unused import by IntelliJ and it will be removed when formatting my code, how to fix this?
  3. Are there any other config util/library works fine in similar way? I have also tried circe-config but still got similar issues. Simple Scala Config uses Scala's Dynamic which is not good for refactoring like renaming the configuration property field.

Thank you


  • I use a small wrapper of Typesafe config:

    I tried your example - this compiles:

      object PureConfigLoader{
        def load[T <: MyConfig[T]](clazz: Class[T])(implicit A: Configs[T]): T = {
          val nameSpace = clazz.getField("nameSpace").get().asInstanceOf[String]
          val config = ConfigFactory.load("spark.conf")
            Configs[T].get(config, nameSpace) 
                 new IllegalArgumentException(s"Fail to parse ${clazz.getSimpleName} from namespace $nameSpace: ${e.messages}" 
      val sparkConfig = PureConfigLoader.load(classOf[SparkConfig])
      abstract class MyConfig[T] (implicit A: Configs[T])
      case class SparkConfig() extends MyConfig[SparkConfig]


    I just saw in our code that you might not need this Util class at all! We use:

    val config = ConfigFactory.load("spark.conf")
    val sparkConfig = Configs[SparkConfig].get(config, nameSpace)