I am looking for some utilities in scala which fit akka well that can map HOCON to Scala class/object. (Something like @Configuration
in Spring mapping the .yml
or .properties
file to Configuration bean/Java Class.)
What I tried with PureConfig :
config file in resources
master {
host =
port = 7077
Mapping to following scala classes :
trait Configuration {
val nameSpace: String
case class SparkConfig(master: SparkMasterConfig) extends Configuration {
override val nameSpace: String = "spark"
case class SparkMasterConfig(host: String,
port: Int)
PureConfig works fine without generic:
import pureconfig.generic.auto._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
val conf = ConfigFactory.parseResources("spark.conf")
val sparkConfig = pureconfig.loadConfig[SparkConfig]("spark")
val config = sparkConfig match {
case Left(f) => fail(f.toString)
case Right(c) => c
However the following generic util doesn't even compile with not enough arguments for method
object PureConfigLoader{
def load[T <: Configuration](clazz: Class[T]): T = {
val nameSpace = clazz.getField("nameSpace").get().asInstanceOf[String]
import pureconfig.generic.auto._
val configResult = pureconfig.loadConfig[T](nameSpace) // this doesn't compile
configResult match {
case Right(x) => x.asInstanceOf[T]
case Left(x) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Fail to parse ${clazz.getSimpleName} from namespace $nameSpace")
val config = PureConfigLoader.load(classOf[SparkConfig])
My questions are:
import pureconfig.generic.auto._
always marked as unused import by IntelliJ and it will be removed when formatting my code, how to fix this?Thank you
I use a small wrapper of Typesafe config:
I tried your example - this compiles:
object PureConfigLoader{
def load[T <: MyConfig[T]](clazz: Class[T])(implicit A: Configs[T]): T = {
val nameSpace = clazz.getField("nameSpace").get().asInstanceOf[String]
val config = ConfigFactory.load("spark.conf")
Configs[T].get(config, nameSpace)
new IllegalArgumentException(s"Fail to parse ${clazz.getSimpleName} from namespace $nameSpace: ${e.messages}"
val sparkConfig = PureConfigLoader.load(classOf[SparkConfig])
abstract class MyConfig[T] (implicit A: Configs[T])
case class SparkConfig() extends MyConfig[SparkConfig]
I just saw in our code that you might not need this Util class at all! We use:
val config = ConfigFactory.load("spark.conf")
val sparkConfig = Configs[SparkConfig].get(config, nameSpace)