I'm using Spring's reactive stack along with Spring's reactive couchbase to build api's and needing help in converting query which I want to use from ReactiveCouchbaseRepository.
approach for creating index in couchbase was taken from this post: https://forums.couchbase.com/t/indexing-array-of-strings/14977
CREATE INDEX idx_emaillist ON api (DISTINCT ARRAY k FOR k IN emails.emaillist END);
query I am using to search is:
SELECT * FROM user AS u WHERE ANY k IN u.emails.emaillist SATISFIES k = "abc@email.com" END;
result of this query is:
"u": {
"_class": "com.users.api.model.User",
"name": "abc",
"emails": {
"emaillist": [
I would like to use the same query from a method declared in a interface that is extending ReactiveCouchbaseRepository.
I have also tried the approach specified in this ticket: Can we Convert N1QL to shEL query for Spring use
This approach works fine but I want Spring to take care of boiler plate code and also noticed that calls are blocking but I would like to have non blocking calls towards couchbase.
I couldn't find the answer to my question but after trying few more options found that I can do this by changing the format of my JSON object.
"u": {
"_class": "com.users.api.model.User",
"name": "abc",
"emails": {
"emaillist": [
TO this:
"u": {
"_class": "com.users.api.model.User",
"name": "abc",
"emails": [
Now the method in the reactive couchbase repository is changed to:
@Query("#{#n1ql.selectEntity} where #{#n1ql.filter} AND ARRAY_CONTAINS(emails, $1)")
Flux<User> findByIdEmail(String email);
Further I checked the logs to see if thread is I/O thread or nio thread
DEBUG 19228 --- [reactor-http-nio-3] s.d.c.r.q.ReactiveAbstractN1qlBasedQuery : Executing N1QL query: {"args":["ABC"],"statement":"SELECT META(`user`).id AS _ID, META(`user`).cas AS _CAS, `user`.* FROM `user` where `_class` = \"com.users.api.model.User\" AND ARRAY_CONTAINS(emails, $1)","scan_consistency":"statement_plus"}
I hope this solutions helps other as well and not sure why I wanted to the structure with Object and then array. Correct me if I am wrong.