Let's suppose we have the following CLIPS template and rule:
;; The queue sequence starts at 0.
;; -1 is a placeholder value to identify a newly inserted element.
;; The idea is to put a newly inserted element at the end of the queue.
(deftemplate queue-element
(slot order (type INTEGER) (default -1))
(deftemplate put-at-the-end
?e1 <- (queue-element (order -1))
?e2 <- (queue-element (order ?o1))
(not (queue-element (order ?o2&:(> ?o2 ?o1))))
(modify ?e1 (order (+ ?o1 + 1))))
Is there a way to move the "connective constraint" (> ?o2 ?o1)
out of the pattern and move it to something similar to a (test (> ?o2 ?o1))
construct instead?
The idea is to avoid these in-line conditions enterily.
You can use the and conditional element to place several conditional elements within a not conditional element.
(deftemplate queue-element
(slot order (type INTEGER) (default -1)))
(defrule put-at-the-end
?e1 <- (queue-element (order -1))
?e2 <- (queue-element (order ?o1))
(not (and (queue-element (order ?o2))
(test (> ?o2 ?o1))))
(modify ?e1 (order (+ ?o1 1))))