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Python: PDF: How to read from a form with radio buttons

I have created a form with some radio buttons, following the examples from Creating Interactive PDF Forms in ReportLab with Python

Here is code example esp. for radios:

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfform
from reportlab.lib.colors import magenta, pink, blue, green

def create_simple_radios():
    c = canvas.Canvas('simple_radios.pdf')

    c.setFont("Courier", 20)
    c.drawCentredString(300, 700, 'Radio demo')
    c.setFont("Courier", 14)
    form = c.acroForm

    c.drawString(10, 650, 'Dog:')'radio1', tooltip='Field radio1',
               value='value1', selected=False,
               x=110, y=645, buttonStyle='check',
               borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
               borderColor=magenta, fillColor=pink, 
               textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)'radio1', tooltip='Field radio1',
               value='value2', selected=True,
               x=110, y=645, buttonStyle='check',
               borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
               borderColor=magenta, fillColor=pink, 
               textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)    

    c.drawString(10, 600, 'Cat:')'radio2', tooltip='Field radio2',
               value='value1', selected=True,
               x=110, y=595, buttonStyle='cross',
               borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
               borderColor=green, fillColor=blue, 
               textColor=pink, forceBorder=True)'radio2', tooltip='Field radio2',
               value='value2', selected=False,
               x=110, y=595, buttonStyle='cross',
               borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
               borderColor=green, fillColor=blue, 
               textColor=pink, forceBorder=True)

    c.drawString(10, 550, 'Pony:')'radio3', tooltip='Field radio3',
               value='value1', selected=False,
               x=110, y=545, buttonStyle='star',
               borderStyle='bevelled', shape='square',
               borderColor=blue, fillColor=green, 
               textColor=magenta, forceBorder=False)'radio3', tooltip='Field radio3',
               value='value2', selected=True,
               x=110, y=545, buttonStyle='star',
               borderStyle='bevelled', shape='circle',
               borderColor=blue, fillColor=green, 
               textColor=magenta, forceBorder=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

My problem/question with that code is: 1.) The radios are always in a "pushed" state. How can I unpush them? 2.) Can the be grouped, so that only ONE (1) radio button is pushed according to a group 3.) How could I read the state of the buttons later on programmatically e.g. via PyPDF2?


Python: 3.7.3
Reportlab: 3.5.19
Pillow: 6.0.0
PyPDF2: 1.26.0


Windows10 v1809


  • 1.) The radios are always in a "pushed" state. How can I unpush them?

    The buttons are pushed if selected=True)

    2.) Can the be grouped, so that only ONE (1) radio button is pushed according to a group?

    The name attribute is related to group name.

    So name="group1") is one group name="group2") the second group. You can only select one radio each group.

    So for the first two questions i've create a simple example with two different groups.
    The first group contains Fruits and the second group contains Cars:

    from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
    from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfform
    from reportlab.lib.colors import magenta, pink, blue, green, orange, yellow
    def create_radios():
        c = canvas.Canvas('radios.pdf')
        c.setFont("Courier", 20)
        c.drawCentredString(300, 800, 'Radio demo')
        form = c.acroForm
        #GROUP ONE, name='group1'
        c.setFont("Courier", 16)
        c.drawString(10, 680, 'Fruits:')
        c.setFont("Courier", 12)
        c.drawString(10, 650, 'Apple:')'group1', tooltip='Apple',
                   value='apple', selected=False,
                   x=110, y=650, buttonStyle='check',
                   borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
                   borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta, 
                   textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
        c.drawString(10, 600, 'Banana:')'group1', tooltip='Banana',
                   value='banana', selected=False,
                   x=110, y=600, buttonStyle='check',
                   borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
                   borderColor=blue, fillColor=yellow, 
                   textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
        c.drawString(10, 550, 'Orange:')'group1', tooltip='Orange',
                   value='orange', selected=False,
                   x=110, y=550, buttonStyle='check',
                   borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
                   borderColor=blue, fillColor=orange, 
                   textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
        #GROUP TWO, name='group2'
        c.setFont("Courier", 16)
        c.drawString(210, 680, 'Cars:')
        c.setFont("Courier", 12)
        c.drawString(210, 650, 'Tesla:')'group2', tooltip='Apple',
                   value='tesla', selected=False,
                   x=310, y=650, buttonStyle='circle',
                   borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
                   borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta, 
                   textColor=blue, forceBorder=False)
        c.drawString(210, 600, 'Mercedes-Benz:')'group2', tooltip='Banana',
                   value='mercedes', selected=False,
                   x=310, y=600, buttonStyle='circle',
                   borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
                   borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta, 
                   textColor=blue, forceBorder=False)
        c.drawString(210, 550, 'Toyota:')'group2', tooltip='Orange',
                   value='toyota', selected=False,
                   x=310, y=550, buttonStyle='circle',
                   borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
                   borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta, 
                   textColor=blue, forceBorder=False)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    3.) How could I read the state of the buttons later on programmatically e.g. via PyPDF2?

    I have found a simpler approach then using PyPDF2 returned field data...

    Using pdfminer will handle the problem well.

    After i created the radios.pdf i changed the values using Adobe and saved it as new file radios_checked.pdf also you could change one selected attribute each group.

    import sys
    from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser
    from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument
    from pdfminer.pdftypes import resolve1
    filename = "radios_checked.pdf"
    with open(filename, 'rb') as pdf_file:
        parser = PDFParser(pdf_file)
        doc = PDFDocument(parser)
        fields = resolve1(doc.catalog['AcroForm'])['Fields']
        for i in fields:
            field = resolve1(i)
            name = str(field.get('T'), 'utf-8')
            value = field.get('V') #will return PSLiteral :/ 
            # transform PSLiteral to string
            if value != None:
                value = str(value)
                if value[0] == r"/":
                    value = value[2:-1]
                    value = str(value)
            print("Group Name: {0},  checked value: {1} ".format(name , value))

    This will filter all group objects and print out selected group name and selected value.

    Hint: Open a pdf in texteditor and check the general structure.