I have created a form with some radio buttons, following the examples from Creating Interactive PDF Forms in ReportLab with Python
Here is code example esp. for radios:
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfform
from reportlab.lib.colors import magenta, pink, blue, green
def create_simple_radios():
c = canvas.Canvas('simple_radios.pdf')
c.setFont("Courier", 20)
c.drawCentredString(300, 700, 'Radio demo')
c.setFont("Courier", 14)
form = c.acroForm
c.drawString(10, 650, 'Dog:')
form.radio(name='radio1', tooltip='Field radio1',
value='value1', selected=False,
x=110, y=645, buttonStyle='check',
borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
borderColor=magenta, fillColor=pink,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
form.radio(name='radio1', tooltip='Field radio1',
value='value2', selected=True,
x=110, y=645, buttonStyle='check',
borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
borderColor=magenta, fillColor=pink,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
c.drawString(10, 600, 'Cat:')
form.radio(name='radio2', tooltip='Field radio2',
value='value1', selected=True,
x=110, y=595, buttonStyle='cross',
borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
borderColor=green, fillColor=blue,
textColor=pink, forceBorder=True)
form.radio(name='radio2', tooltip='Field radio2',
value='value2', selected=False,
x=110, y=595, buttonStyle='cross',
borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
borderColor=green, fillColor=blue,
textColor=pink, forceBorder=True)
c.drawString(10, 550, 'Pony:')
form.radio(name='radio3', tooltip='Field radio3',
value='value1', selected=False,
x=110, y=545, buttonStyle='star',
borderStyle='bevelled', shape='square',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=green,
textColor=magenta, forceBorder=False)
form.radio(name='radio3', tooltip='Field radio3',
value='value2', selected=True,
x=110, y=545, buttonStyle='star',
borderStyle='bevelled', shape='circle',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=green,
textColor=magenta, forceBorder=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
My problem/question with that code is: 1.) The radios are always in a "pushed" state. How can I unpush them? 2.) Can the be grouped, so that only ONE (1) radio button is pushed according to a group 3.) How could I read the state of the buttons later on programmatically e.g. via PyPDF2?
Python: 3.7.3
Reportlab: 3.5.19
Pillow: 6.0.0
PyPDF2: 1.26.0
Windows10 v1809
1.) The radios are always in a "pushed" state. How can I unpush them?
The buttons are pushed if form.radio(... selected=True)
2.) Can the be grouped, so that only ONE (1) radio button is pushed according to a group?
The name
attribute is related to group name.
So form.radio(... name="group1")
is one group form.radio(... name="group2")
the second group. You can only select one radio each group.
So for the first two questions i've create a simple example with two different groups.
The first group
contains Fruits
and the second group contains Cars
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfform
from reportlab.lib.colors import magenta, pink, blue, green, orange, yellow
def create_radios():
c = canvas.Canvas('radios.pdf')
c.setFont("Courier", 20)
c.drawCentredString(300, 800, 'Radio demo')
form = c.acroForm
#GROUP ONE, name='group1'
c.setFont("Courier", 16)
c.drawString(10, 680, 'Fruits:')
c.setFont("Courier", 12)
c.drawString(10, 650, 'Apple:')
form.radio(name='group1', tooltip='Apple',
value='apple', selected=False,
x=110, y=650, buttonStyle='check',
borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
c.drawString(10, 600, 'Banana:')
form.radio(name='group1', tooltip='Banana',
value='banana', selected=False,
x=110, y=600, buttonStyle='check',
borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=yellow,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
c.drawString(10, 550, 'Orange:')
form.radio(name='group1', tooltip='Orange',
value='orange', selected=False,
x=110, y=550, buttonStyle='check',
borderStyle='solid', shape='square',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=orange,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=True)
#GROUP TWO, name='group2'
c.setFont("Courier", 16)
c.drawString(210, 680, 'Cars:')
c.setFont("Courier", 12)
c.drawString(210, 650, 'Tesla:')
form.radio(name='group2', tooltip='Apple',
value='tesla', selected=False,
x=310, y=650, buttonStyle='circle',
borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=False)
c.drawString(210, 600, 'Mercedes-Benz:')
form.radio(name='group2', tooltip='Banana',
value='mercedes', selected=False,
x=310, y=600, buttonStyle='circle',
borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=False)
c.drawString(210, 550, 'Toyota:')
form.radio(name='group2', tooltip='Orange',
value='toyota', selected=False,
x=310, y=550, buttonStyle='circle',
borderStyle='solid', shape='circle',
borderColor=blue, fillColor=magenta,
textColor=blue, forceBorder=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
3.) How could I read the state of the buttons later on programmatically e.g. via PyPDF2?
I have found a simpler approach then using PyPDF2 returned field data...
Using pdfminer
will handle the problem well.
After i created the radios.pdf
i changed the values using Adobe
and saved it as new file radios_checked.pdf
also you could change one selected
attribute each group.
import sys
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser
from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument
from pdfminer.pdftypes import resolve1
filename = "radios_checked.pdf"
with open(filename, 'rb') as pdf_file:
parser = PDFParser(pdf_file)
doc = PDFDocument(parser)
fields = resolve1(doc.catalog['AcroForm'])['Fields']
for i in fields:
field = resolve1(i)
name = str(field.get('T'), 'utf-8')
value = field.get('V') #will return PSLiteral :/
# transform PSLiteral to string
if value != None:
value = str(value)
if value[0] == r"/":
value = value[2:-1]
value = str(value)
print("Group Name: {0}, checked value: {1} ".format(name , value))
This will filter all group objects and print out selected group name and selected value.
Open a pdf
in texteditor and check the general structure.