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Android Bluetooth status 253 in onCharacteristicWrite

I am currently writing an app which attempts to send some values to my bluetooth LE Device. Now, everything with the following code goes well until the onCharacteristicWrite-callback gets called with the status code 253. This code does not match any error code given in any GATT-android-classes.

vibrateStrengthChar = device.getService(UUID.fromString(

vibrateStrengthChar.setValue(new byte[]{2, 15, 8, strength});
log(device.writeCharacteristic(vibrateStrengthChar) ? "written." : "error");

Can anyone tell me what that code means and how i could fix that?


  • The Problem in my case was that the BLE device threw that error, indicating that the handshake was not fully accomplished, so that error is quite device- and application-specific