I work with Access 2016 and I'm trying to lock/unlock the fields (Epileptic_activity, Quantifiable_activity and Seizure_aspect) in each record, when "Selection"=No/Yes respectively (I have Yes/No in selection). All that is happening in the subform of big navigation form.
I used this method Enabling/disabling input into certain fields based on the value of another field and it work, but it locks/unlocks all the data displayed in the form. As soon as I check any Selection to Yes, all the records have Epileptic_activity, Quantifiable_activity and Seizure_aspect unlocked.
Here is the code which I used:
Private Sub Selection_AfterUpdate()
Me.Epileptic_activity.Enabled = True
Me.Quantifiable_activity.Enabled = True
Me.Seizure_aspect.Enabled = True
If (Me.Selection = False) Then
Me.Epileptic_activity.Enabled = False
Me.Quantifiable_activity.Enabled = False
Me.Seizure_aspect.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
So, I would like to be able to lock/unlock the fields following Selection recordwise, because in one record we could have Selection and the following fields are necessary, but the next record doesn't have Selection="yes" and then I would expect to have 3 following fields locked.
How can I make it work?
thx for any help
You cannot change that, this is how Access works.
However, you can enable/disable each control individually every time the control gets the focus by checking the Selection
Private Sub Epileptic_activity_Enter()
If Selection.Value = False Then Epileptic_activity.Enabled = False Else Epileptic_activity.Enabled = True
'or simply
Epileptic_activity.Enabled = Selection.Value
End Sub
You will need to do this for all three controls.