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How to access resource located in merged dictionary from code

I have a bunch of Colors inside a couple of ResourceDicitonaries like this:

<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""

    <Color x:Key="Color.Background">#301536</Color>

And I simply add both to the App.xaml like so:

<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Colors/Light.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Colors/Dark.xaml"/>

The ResourceDicitonary file is simply a .xaml file without any bundled .cs, and both of the two dictionaries are set on the App.xaml without having to define them inside a MergedDicionaries group.

When trying to access the a Color from the code, I'm not able to find it, looks like it was not added to the resource list.

var color = Application.Current.Resources.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == "Color.Background")
    .Value as Color? ?? Color.Crimson;

Is there any way to access a resource like FindResource/TryFindResource available in WPF?

I also tried to access/see the contents of the MergedDictionaries but for some reason the merged dictionaries are always empty.


  • Thanks to another person I was able to construct this working code:

    internal static Color TryGetColor(string key, Color fallback)
        Application.Current.Resources.TryGetValue(key, out var color);
        return color as Color ?? fallback;