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How to create a metric in Spring-boot?

How to create a metric in SpringBoot2.1.4.RELEASE?



  • If you're using spring-boot-starter-actuator, a bean of type MeterRegistry will be created. Once autowired, this allows you to create several metrics, such as counters, gauges and metrics. Each of these have a fluent builder you can use that allows you to set them up, for example:


    A Counter can be used for simple incrementing metrics, for example, the amount of times a method has been called.

    Counter customCounter = Counter

    By using customCounter.increment() you can increase the value.


    A Gauge on the other hand is a dynamic/live value that should be measured directly. An example of this is the size of a connection pool:

          .builder("my.custom.metric.gauge", () -> connectionPool.size())

    The builder allows you to pass a Supplier to measure whatever you want.


    As the name mentions, this can be used to measure the time it takes do something, for example:

    Timer customTimer = Timer

    By using the customTimer.record(() -> myMethod()), you can add a metric about how long it takes to invoke myMethod().

    You should be able to access these metrics when running the application. If you want to see them through HTTP, you can enable the metrics endpoint like this:

    management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=metrics # Enable metrics endpoint

    After that, you should be able to visit http://localhost:8080/actuator to see the list of enabled endpoints, which should contain http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics.

    This API should return a list of available metrics, which can be accessed as http://localhost:8080/actuator/metrics/my.custom.metric.counter.