I'm trying to send sms notification with Twilio but i can't, it only send notification to one of the numbers(my number)that I add to my notification options ('notificationOpts') and always happens the same. It only works for my number but not for the others I have added. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
const accountSid = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const authToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const notifyServiceSid = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
const notificationOpts = {
toBinding: JSON.stringify({
binding_type: 'sms',
address: '+00000',
toBinding: JSON.stringify({
binding_type: 'sms',
address: '+00001',
body: 'HI',
.then(notification => console.log(notification.sid))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
I just tried the code and it works fine here. Are you maybe still on a trial account? The trial account only allows sending numbers to verified numbers like most likely your own phone number.