I'm new in using linq and having some problem . I've got a big collection of type A and a small collection of type B. I want the list of items in A which their "id" does exist in B. So here is what I did think could work:
List<string> list = collection_A
.Where(c => collection_B.Any(x => x.MessageId == c.Id))
I'm using mongoDB linq provider in .Net and the error is : System.ArgumentException: Unsupported filter. The relation is 1-1
Actually I don't know if I should use "Join" in this case or something else.
I'd suggest that you try this:
var messageIds = new HashSet<string>(collection_B.Select(x => x.MessageId).Distinct());
List<string> list =
.Where(c => messageIds.Contains(c.Id))
.Select(c => c.Id)