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How to get chat-conversation of chatbot(in aws lex)

How to get the lex chat bot conversation ? i would like to send email of the chat conversation at end of the chat ?

i am using c# .net core 2.1 to build labda functions is there any scope to get chat bot conversation in lambda function ?


  • i managed by saving InputTranscript and lambda response in session attributes. on close event i am sending email with the session attributes content.

    below is the helper class.

    public abstract class AbstractIntentProcessor : IIntentProcessor
        internal const string MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE = "PlainText";
        public abstract Task<LexResponse> Process(LexEvent lexEvent, ILambdaContext context);
        protected string SerializeReservation(UtilityBillRequest request)
            return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
        protected UtilityBillRequest DeserializeReservation(string json)
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UtilityBillRequest>(json);
        protected List<ConversationScript> DeserializeConversation(string json)
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ConversationScript>>(json);
        protected string SerializeConversation(List<ConversationScript> result)
            return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
        protected LexResponse Close(IDictionary<string, string> sessionAttributes, string fulfillmentState, LexResponse.LexMessage message, bool isSessionClose=false, LexEvent lexEvent=null, ILambdaContext context=null)
            AppendTranscript(sessionAttributes, "Bot", message.Content);
            var transcript = new List<ConversationScript>();
            if (isSessionClose && sessionAttributes.ContainsKey("transcript"))
                transcript = DeserializeConversation(sessionAttributes["transcript"]);
                EmailHelper emailHelper = new EmailHelper();
                emailHelper.SendTranscriptEmail(transcript, lexEvent, context);
            return new LexResponse
                SessionAttributes = sessionAttributes,
                DialogAction = new LexResponse.LexDialogAction
                    Type = "Close",
                    FulfillmentState = fulfillmentState,
                    Message = message
        protected LexResponse Delegate(IDictionary<string, string> sessionAttributes, IDictionary<string, string> slots)
            return new LexResponse
                SessionAttributes = sessionAttributes,
                DialogAction = new LexResponse.LexDialogAction
                    Type = "Delegate",
                    Slots = slots
        protected LexResponse ElicitSlot(IDictionary<string, string> sessionAttributes, string intentName, IDictionary<string, string> slots, string slotToElicit, LexResponse.LexMessage message)
            AppendTranscript(sessionAttributes, "Bot", message.Content);
            return new LexResponse
                SessionAttributes = sessionAttributes,
                DialogAction = new LexResponse.LexDialogAction
                    Type = "ElicitSlot",
                    IntentName = intentName,
                    Slots = slots,
                    SlotToElicit = slotToElicit,
                    Message = message
        protected LexResponse ConfirmIntent(IDictionary<string, string> sessionAttributes, string intentName, IDictionary<string, string> slots, LexResponse.LexMessage message)
            AppendTranscript(sessionAttributes, "Bot", message.Content);
            return new LexResponse
                SessionAttributes = sessionAttributes,
                DialogAction = new LexResponse.LexDialogAction
                    Type = "ConfirmIntent",
                    IntentName = intentName,
                    Slots = slots,
                    Message = message
        public void AppendTranscript(IDictionary<string, string> sessionAttributes, string source, string message)
            if (source != "Bot" && source != "User")
                throw new Exception("Invalid Source: " + source);
            var transcript = new List<ConversationScript>();
            if (sessionAttributes.ContainsKey("transcript"))
                transcript = DeserializeConversation(sessionAttributes["transcript"]);
            transcript.Add(new ConversationScript
                Participant = source,
                Text = message,
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
            sessionAttributes["transcript"] = SerializeConversation(transcript);