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Pandas: increase speed of rolling window (apply a custom function)

I'm using this code to apply a function (funcX) on my data-frame using a rolling window. The main issue is that the size of this data-frame (data) is very large, and I'm searching for a faster way to do this task.

import numpy as np

def funcX(x):
    x = np.sort(x)
    xd = np.delete(x, 25)
    med = np.median(xd)
    return (np.abs(x - med)).mean() + med

med_out = data.var1.rolling(window = 51, center = True).apply(funcX, raw = True)

The only reason for using this function is that the calculated median is the median after removing the middle value. So it's different with adding .median() at the end of the rolling window.


  • To be effective, a window algorithm must link the results of two overlaying windows.

    Here, with : med0 the median, med the median of x \ med0, xl elements before med and xg elements after medin the sorted elements, funcX(x) can be seen as :

    <|x-med|> + med = [sum(xg) - sum(xl) - |med0-med|] / windowsize + med  

    So an idea it to maintain a buffer which represents the sorted current window, sum(xg) and sum(xl). Using Numba just in time compilation, very good performance arise here.

    First the buffer management:

    init sorts the first window and compute left(xls) and right(xgs) sums.

    import numpy as np
    import numba
    windowsize = 51 #odd, >1
    halfsize = windowsize//2
    def init(firstwindow):
        buffer = np.sort(firstwindow)
        xls = buffer[:halfsize].sum()
        xgs = buffer[-halfsize:].sum()   
        return buffer,xls,xgs

    shift is the linear part. It updates the buffer, maintaining it sorted . np.searchsorted computes positions of insertion and deletion in O(log(windowsize)). It's technical since xin<xout and xout<xin are not symmetrical situations.

    def shift(buffer,xin,xout):
        i_in = np.searchsorted(buffer,xin) 
        i_out = np.searchsorted(buffer,xout)
        if xin <= xout :
            buffer[i_in+1:i_out+1] = buffer[i_in:i_out] 
            buffer[i_in] = xin                        
            buffer[i_out:i_in-1] = buffer[i_out+1:i_in]                      
            buffer[i_in-1] = xin
        return i_in, i_out

    update updates the buffer and the sums of left and right parts. It's technical since xin<xout and xout<xin are not symmetrical situations.

    def update(buffer,xls,xgs,xin,xout):
        xl,x0,xg = buffer[halfsize-1:halfsize+2]
        i_in,i_out = shift(buffer,xin,xout)
        if i_out < halfsize:
            xls -= xout
            if i_in <= halfsize:
                xls += xin
                xls += x0
        elif i_in < halfsize:
            xls += xin - xl
        if i_out > halfsize:
            xgs -= xout
            if i_in > halfsize:
                xgs += xin
                xgs += x0
        elif i_in > halfsize+1:
            xgs += xin - xg
        return buffer, xls, xgs

    func is equivalent to the original funcX on buffer. O(1).

    def func(buffer,xls,xgs):
        med0 = buffer[halfsize]
        med  = (buffer[halfsize-1] + buffer[halfsize+1])/2
        if med0 > med:
            return (xgs-xls+med0-med) / windowsize + med
            return (xgs-xls+med-med0) / windowsize + med    

    med is the global function. O(data.size * windowsize).

    def med(data):
        res = np.full_like(data, np.nan)
        state = init(data[:windowsize])
        res[halfsize] = func(*state)
        for i in range(windowsize, data.size):
            xin,xout = data[i], data[i - windowsize]
            state = update(*state, xin, xout)
            res[i-halfsize] = func(*state)
        return res 

    Performance :

    import pandas
    %time res1=data[0].rolling(window = windowsize, center = True).apply(funcX, raw = True)
    Wall time: 10.8 s
    Out[112]: True
    %timeit res2=med(data[0].values)
    40.4 ms ± 462 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

    it's ~ 250X faster, with window size = 51. An hour becomes 15 seconds.