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NODEJS / PHP WSDL SOAP: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [a:InternalServiceFault] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in Line ...

Already got lots of question related to this, but I am unable to make it work out, so posting this possible duplicate again.

Im missing something here in the request, but couldn't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.

I tried this in both PHP & NodeJS, and same error occurred in both.

$wsdl = '';

$params = array(
"UserName" => "CLIENT",
"Password" => "CLIENT12",
"OperatorCode" => 2,
"MobileNumber" => "9803111111",
"Amount" => 100,
"PartnerTxnId" => "P2019042205330171261"

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, ['trace' => true]);
// gives
// Array
// (
//     [0] => MobileTopupResponse MobileTopup(MobileTopup $parameters)
//     [1] => RechargePinsResponse RechargePins(RechargePins $parameters)
//     ...
// )
// gives
// Array
// (
//    [0] => struct InputMobileTopup {
//              string UserName;
//              string Password;
//              int OperatorCode;
//              string MobileNumber;
//              float Amount;
//              string PartnerTxnId;
//    }
//    [1] => struct ReturnTransaction {
//              string Code;
//              string Message;
//              string TransactionId;
//              string Data;
//    }
//    ...
// )

// $r = $client->MobileTopup($params);
// or 
$response = $client->__soapCall("MobileTopup", [$params]);
// gives error Object reference not set to an instance of an object
$xml = $soapClient->__getLastRequest();

// Also I tried using the class after looking into __getTypes result
$wsdl = '';
class InputMobileTopup {
    public function __construct($UserName, $Password, $OperatorCode, $MobileNumber, $Amount, $PartnerTxnId) {
        $this->UserName = $UserName;
        $this->Password = $Password;
        $this->OperatorCode = $OperatorCode;
        $this->MobileNumber = $MobileNumber;
        $this->Amount = $Amount;
        $this->PartnerTxnId = $PartnerTxnId;

$InputMobileTopup = new InputMobileTopup("CLIENT", "CLIENT12", 2, "9803111111", 1000, "P2019042205330171261");

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, ['trace' => true]);

$response = $client->__soapCall("MobileTopup", [$InputMobileTopup]);
$xml = $soapClient->__getLastRequest();
// Still the same error.

In NodeJS too, the same error occurs Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

"use strict";

var soap = require('strong-soap').soap;

var url = '';
var requestArgs = {
    'UserName': 'CLIENT',
    'Password': 'CLIENT12',
    'OperatorCode': 2,
    'MobileNumber': '9803111111',
    'Amount': 100,
    'PartnerTxnId': 'P201904220218335187'

var options = {
  'user-agent': 'sampleTest',
  'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8',
  // 'soapAction': '',
  'soapAction': ''

soap.createClient(url, options, function(err, client) {

    var method = client['MobileTopup'];
    method(requestArgs, function(err, result, envelope, soapHeader) {
        //response envelope
        console.log('Response Envelope: \n' + envelope);
        //'result' is the response body
        console.log('Result: \n' + JSON.stringify(result));

        console.log('Soap Header: \n', soapHeader);

Any help will be appreciated. Thanx. Please prioritize the answer for NodeJS. ..


  • According to your WSDL the function MobileTopup takes as parameter message of type MobileTopup:

        [0] => MobileTopupResponse MobileTopup(MobileTopup $parameters)
        [1] => RechargePinsResponse RechargePins(RechargePins $parameters)

    on the other hand the type MobileTopup is defined like:

        [85] => struct MobileTopup {
                  InputMobileTopup MobileTopupRequest;

    so you have to call the function like this:

    $response = $client->__soapCall("MobileTopup", ['MobileTopup' => ['MobileTopupRequest' => $params]]);

    this returns (according to the params you have set)

    object(stdClass)#3 (1) {
      object(stdClass)#4 (4) {
        string(3) "021"
        string(30) "Duplicate Partner Txn ID Found"
        string(0) ""
        string(0) ""

    I guess the same is true for node.js


    In node.js the problem comes from your requestArgs object. it should be like this:

    var requestArgs = {
        MobileTopupRequest: {
            UserName: 'CLIENT',
            Password: 'CLIENT12',
            OperatorCode: 2,
            MobileNumber: '9803111111',
            Amount: 100,
            PartnerTxnId: 'P201904220218335187'