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How to get the selected row from a gtkmm treeview

I have a gtkmm TreeView using ListStore. I am using this as a static list selection menu. I am having problems seeing when the user changes rows and which row is selected.

I have attempted to use m_TreeView.signal_row_activated().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &optionList::row_activated) ); but get the error of

error: no match for call to ‘(sigc::bound_mem_functor0<void, optionList>) (const Gtk::TreePath&, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* const&)’ { return functor_(_A_arg1, _A_arg2); }

I have also attempted to use changed signals, but I receive the same errors. I have not been fruitful in finding these errors on Google. I have also not seen another way to create a static list selection menu.

My code is as follows:

optionList::optionList() {


    m_refListStore = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns);


    std::array<Glib::ustring, 3> options = {"Status", "Plugins", "Config"};

    for(const auto & option : options) {
        std::ostringstream text;
        text << option;

        Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refListStore->append());
        row[m_Columns.m_col_text] = text.str();

    m_TreeView.append_column("Options", m_Columns.m_col_text);

    m_TreeView.signal_state_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &optionList::row_activated) ); //This line produces the error


the optionList::row_activated function is just a cout so I know it's at least being activated. If I remove the connecting line, then it compiles and runs fine, but I don't have any way to tell if it's being selected.

I am expecting to see the phrase A row has been selected in the console (as that is what row_activated outputs) every time I select a different row. However, I am not able to even compile the code with the aforementioned line included.

At the very least, how can I resolve this connection issue so that the code can compile and activate the function?

Edit: I believe that I was messing up and needed to send using sigc::bind()


  • The best answer I could come up with is that I was not properly passing and to do this I need to use

    m_TreeView.signal_state_changed().connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &optionList::row_activated), any parameters) );