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TensorFlow Object Detection API augmentations

I'm curious about the order of resizing and augmentations in the TensorFlow object detection API. For example, I'm using the config file ssd_mobilenet_v2_oid_v4.config. This uses fixed_shape_resizer and ssd_random_crop. So what is the interaction between these two modules?

Does the ssd_random_crop take a crop of the size defined in fixed_shape_resizer? If resizing happens first, then what size are the crops after resizing? And I assume they all need to be the same exact size in order to create proper batches?


  • Data augmentation happens before resizing. All preprocessing steps are specified in function transform_input_data in file, this file contains functions like create_train_input_fn, create_eval_input_fn and create_predict_input_fn that will feed input image tensors to the model during training, evaluation and prediction. In create_train_input_fn, the following transform function is used.

    def transform_input_data(tensor_dict,
      """A single function that is responsible for all input data transformations.
      Data transformation functions are applied in the following order.
      1. If key fields.InputDataFields.image_additional_channels is present in
         tensor_dict, the additional channels will be merged into
      2. data_augmentation_fn (optional): applied on tensor_dict.
      3. model_preprocess_fn: applied only on image tensor in tensor_dict.
      4. image_resizer_fn: applied on original image and instance mask tensor in
      5. one_hot_encoding: applied to classes tensor in tensor_dict.
      6. merge_multiple_boxes (optional): when groundtruth boxes are exactly the
         same they can be merged into a single box with an associated k-hot class
        tensor_dict: dictionary containing input tensors keyed by
        model_preprocess_fn: model's preprocess function to apply on image tensor.
          This function must take in a 4-D float tensor and return a 4-D preprocess
          float tensor and a tensor containing the true image shape.
        image_resizer_fn: image resizer function to apply on groundtruth instance
          `masks. This function must take a 3-D float tensor of an image and a 3-D
          tensor of instance masks and return a resized version of these along with
          the true shapes.
        num_classes: number of max classes to one-hot (or k-hot) encode the class
        data_augmentation_fn: (optional) data augmentation function to apply on
          input `tensor_dict`.
        merge_multiple_boxes: (optional) whether to merge multiple groundtruth boxes
          and classes for a given image if the boxes are exactly the same.
        retain_original_image: (optional) whether to retain original image in the
          output dictionary.
        use_multiclass_scores: whether to use multiclass scores as
          class targets instead of one-hot encoding of `groundtruth_classes`.
        use_bfloat16: (optional) a bool, whether to use bfloat16 in training.
        A dictionary keyed by fields.InputDataFields containing the tensors obtained
        after applying all the transformations.

    The data augmentation is performed on step 2 (if there are any) and resizing is performed on step 4.