I have a JSON array returned from db query in Joomla, using loadRow().
We're using Custom Fields for some fancy page stuff.
I need the text/value pair from this single record, in a different usable array.
I have tried explode, array_map, lots of different manipulation but I'm struggling with the right combination of code.
This is what the object looks like.
Array ( [0] =>
{"name":"soph","value":"School of Public Health"},
{"name":"son","value":"School of Nursing"},
{"name":"sohp","value":"School of Health Professions"}
What I need, something more like this:
Array (
[0] => {"name":"soph","value":"School of Public Health"},
[1] => {"name":"son","value":"School of Nursing"},
[2] => {"name":"sohp","value":"School of Health Professions"}
Looks like you're storing this in the DB as JSON data. Something like this should work:
$row = json_decode($arr[0], true)['options'];
$optionList = [];
foreach($row as $option => $options)
array_push($optionList, [
'name' => $options['name'],
'value' => $options['value']
putting your new data in $optionList