I would like to ignore the line in a file which does not match with all predefined parser and proceed. The line(s) that I would like to ignore is in wide range which I couldn't inspect and define parser for each of them.
I use try..except with pass once ParseException is caught. However, the parsing stops immediately.
return parser.parseFile(filename, parse_all)
except ParseException, err:
msg = 'Error during parsing of {}, line {}'.format(filename, err.lineno)
msg += '\n' + '-'*70 + '\n'
msg += err.line + '\n'
msg += ' '*(err.col-1) + '^\n'
msg += '-'*70 + '\n' + err.msg
err.msg = msg
I would like to proceed even if there is a ParseException.
Pyparsing doesn't really have a "continue on error" option, so you'll need to adjust your parser so that it doesn't raise the ParseException in the first place. What you might try is adding to your parser something like | SkipTo(LineEnd())('errors*')
as a last-ditch catch-all. Then you could look at the errors results name to see what lines went astray (or add a parse action to that expression to capture more than just the current line).
import pyparsing as pp
era = "The" + pp.oneOf("Age Years") + "of" + pp.Word(pp.alphas)
The Age of Enlightenment
The Years of Darkness
The Spanish Inquisition
The Age of Enlightenment
['The', 'Age', 'of', 'Enlightenment']
The Years of Darkness
['The', 'Years', 'of', 'Darkness']
The Spanish Inquisition
FAIL: Expected Age | Years (at char 4), (line:1, col:5)
Add these lines and call runTests again:
# added to handle lines that don't match
unexpected = pp.SkipTo(pp.LineEnd(), include=True)("no_one_expects")
era = era | unexpected
The Age of Enlightenment
['The', 'Age', 'of', 'Enlightenment']
The Years of Darkness
['The', 'Years', 'of', 'Darkness']
The Spanish Inquisition
['The Spanish Inquisition']
- no_one_expects: 'The Spanish Inquisition'