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Train test split based on a column values - sequentially

i have a data frame as below

df = pd.DataFrame({"Col1": ['A','B','B','A','B','B','A','B','A', 'A'],
                   "Col2" : [-2.21,-9.59,0.16,1.29,-31.92,-24.48,15.23,34.58,24.33,-3.32],
                   "Col3" : [-0.27,-0.57,0.072,-0.15,-0.21,-2.54,-1.06,1.94,1.83,0.72],
                   "y" : [-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,-1]})
       Col1 Col2    Col3    y
    0   A   -2.21   -0.270  -1
    1   B   -9.59   -0.570   1
    2   B    0.16    0.072  -1
    3   A    1.29   -0.150  -1
    4   B   -31.92  -0.210  -1
    5   B   -24.48  -2.540   1
    6   A    15.23  -1.060   1
    7   B    34.58   1.940   1
    8   A    24.33   1.830   1
    9   A   -3.32    0.720  -1

Is there a way to split the data frame(60:40 split) such that the first 60% of values each group of Col1 will be train and last 40% test.

Train :

Col1 Col2    Col3    y
0   A   -2.21   -0.270  -1
1   B   -9.59   -0.570   1
2   B    0.16    0.072  -1
3   A    1.29   -0.150  -1
4   B   -31.92  -0.210  -1
6   A    15.23  -1.060   1


   Col1 Col2    Col3    y
5   B   -24.48  -2.540   1
7   B    34.58   1.940   1
8   A    24.33   1.830   1
9   A   -3.32    0.720  -1


  • I feel like you need groupby here

    s=df.groupby('Col1').Col1.cumcount()#get the count for each group
    s=s//(df.groupby('Col1').Col1.transform('count')*0.6).astype(int)# get the top 60% of each group 
      Col1   Col2   Col3  y
    0    A  -2.21 -0.270 -1
    1    B  -9.59 -0.570  1
    2    B   0.16  0.072 -1
    3    A   1.29 -0.150 -1
    4    B -31.92 -0.210 -1
    6    A  15.23 -1.060  1
      Col1   Col2  Col3  y
    5    B -24.48 -2.54  1
    7    B  34.58  1.94  1
    8    A  24.33  1.83  1
    9    A  -3.32  0.72 -1