I am able to view response content in the terminal but in the swagger UI, it is showing up empty.
Issue: To debug I tried to print the value from variable ret
in the function json_response_from_dict(dict_)
and it is showing me the value that I am entering through swagger UI. But in the response of Swagger UI, it's coming up empty.
But in the response while in the terminal, it shows <Response 141 bytes [200 OK]>
and the value of ret in terminal also shows {"rec_id": 464, "frame_id_prob": [[1, 0.1], [2, 0.1], [3, 0.1], [4, 0.1], [5, 0.6]], "comment": "these frames suit everyone", "mine_id": NaN}
I am unable to figure out where the value gets lost.
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, request, Response
from flask_restplus import Resource, Api, fields
from flask.views import MethodView
import json
import numpy as np
def json_response_from_dict(dict_):
"""converts a python dictionary to a json string, and returns
a HHTP response for a JSON string
dict_ -- input python dictionary
ret = json.dumps(dict_)
resp = Response(response=ret,
return resp
app = Flask(__name__)
api_v1 = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix='/api/1')
api = Api(api_v1, version='1.0', title='my API',
description='my API',
ns = api.namespace('my', description='my operations')
myModel = api.model('my Model', {
'rec_id': fields.Integer(readOnly=True, description='Random Choice'),
'comment': fields.String(required=True, description='Comments'),
'mine_id' : fields.String(required=True, description='unique ECP ID')
# Register blueprint at URL
# (URL must match the one given to factory function above)
@ns.route("/dev/get_rec_id", methods=["POST"])
@ns.param('mine_id', 'unique ECP ID')
class RecommendationService(Resource):
@ns.doc('path to generate a unique recommendationid, and to determine which predictions can be made for. Expected/optional input : JSON string as a https html data objects with keys: mine_id -- unique ECP ID. If this is not provided generic recommendations will be provided.')
def post(self):
mine_id = np.nan
if request.is_json:
mine_id = request.json.get('mine_id', np.nan)
return json_response_from_dict({
'rec_id': np.random.choice(1000),
'fun_id_prob': [[1, 0.1], [2, 0.1], [3, 0.1], [4, 0.1], [5, 0.6]],
'comment': 'these games suit everyone',
'mine_id': mine_id
if __name__ == '__main__':
I followed the advice from here and changed the function to
@ns.route("/dev/get_rec_id", methods=["POST"])
@ns.param('mine_id', 'unique ECP ID')
class RecommendationService(Resource):
@ns.doc('path to generate a unique recommendationid, and to determine which frames predictions can be made for. Expected/optional input : JSON string as a https html data objects with keys: mine_id -- unique ECP ID. If this is not provided generic frames recommendations will be provided.')
def post(self):
mine_id = np.nan
if request.is_json:
mine_id = request.json.get('mine_id', np.nan)
return {'rec_id': np.random.choice(1000),
'fun_id_prob': [[1, 0.1], [2, 0.1], [3, 0.1], [4, 0.1], [5, 0.6]],
'comment': 'these games suit everyone',
'mine_id': mine_id
But the same issue still persists.
@ns.route("/dev/get_rec_id", methods=["POST"])
@ns.param('mine_id', 'unique ECP ID')
class RecommendationService(Resource):
@ns.doc('path to generate a unique recommendationid, and to determine which frames predictions can be made for. Expected/optional input : JSON string as a https html data objects with keys: mine_id -- unique ECP ID. If this is not provided generic frames recommendations will be provided.')
def post(self):
mine_id = np.nan
if request.is_json:
mine_id = request.json.get('mine_id', np.nan)
return {'rec_id': np.random.choice(1000),
'fun_id_prob': [[1, 0.1], [2, 0.1], [3, 0.1], [4, 0.1], [5, 0.6]],
'comment': 'these games suit everyone',
'mine_id': mine_id
In this the signature didn't match i.e. fun_id_prob
was not in the API Signature, also for some reason while calling X-Fields
, it needs to be kept empty.
Just use
@ns.route("/dev/get_rec_id", methods=["POST"])
@ns.param('mine_id', 'unique ECP ID')
class RecommendationService(Resource):
@ns.doc('path to generate a unique recommendationid, and to determine which frames predictions can be made for. Expected/optional input : JSON string as a https html data objects with keys: mine_id -- unique ECP ID. If this is not provided generic frames recommendations will be provided.')
def post(self):
mine_id = np.nan
if request.is_json:
mine_id = request.json.get('mine_id', np.nan)
return {'rec_id': np.random.choice(1000),
'comment': 'these games suit everyone',
'mine_id': mine_id
Or Add list to the signature and it will work :).