In Python 3, I want to limit the permitted values that are passed to this method:
my_request(protocol_type, url)
Using type hinting I can write:
my_request(protocol_type: str, url: str)
so the protocol and url are limited to strings, but how can I validate that protocol_type
accepts only limited set of values, e.g. 'http'
and 'https'
One way is to write code in the method to validate that the value passed in is 'http' or 'https', something in the lines of:
if (protocol_type == 'http') or (protocol_type == 'https'):
Do Something
Throw an exception
Which will work fine during runtime, but doesn't provide an indication of a problem while writing the code.
This is why I prefer using Enum and the type-hinting mechanism that Pycharm and mypy implement.
For the code example below you will get a warning in Pycharm from its code-inspection, see attached screenshot. The screenshot shows that if you enter a value that is not enum you will get the "Expected Type:..." warning.
"""Test of ENUM"""
from enum import Enum
class ProtocolEnum(Enum):
ENUM to hold the allowed values for protocol
HTTP: str = 'http'
HTTPS: str = 'https'
def try_protocol_enum(protocol: ProtocolEnum) -> None:
Test of ProtocolEnum
:rtype: None
:param protocol: a ProtocolEnum value allows for HTTP or HTTPS only
<enum 'ProtocolEnum'>