I forked a repo on GitHub then I created a pull request to with my changes and then I changed my mind so I closed the pull request and I deleted the fork I made on the repo. The problem is that the repository(not the fork) is still showing in the Repositories list in the GitHub dashboard (see picture below)
See the reeeeeeeeeee.../reeeeeeee...
repository is the one that I want to delete from there but I can't. I tried everything.
If I go to my profile and click on repositories it isn't there because I removed the fork.
I recently had the same "issue" of having a repository on my left sidebar in my dashboard, which I thought would disappear as I removed it from my account. After contacting the Github Support Service they replied with the following message:
The list of repositories in your sidebar will display your repositories as well as any repository you've interacted with in the past 4 months. It looks like you opened this Pull Request there:
[url to PR]
This would count as a contribution, which adds the repository to your contributed to repository list. Once that activity is 4 months old, that will be removed from your sidebar.
This is a late reply to your question and it might already be removed, however I hope this can clear up some confusion for someone else in the future.