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How can I use proxyTable to make cross origin request in vue-cli?

I want to use proxyTable with axios in my vue-cli project.

In my config/index.js, I put code like this:

proxyTable: {
  '/getnews': {
    target: ''
    changeOrigin: true,
    secure: false,
    pathRewrite: {
      '^/getnews': '/getnews'

and in my request function, it goes like this:

var url = '/getnews';
    methods: 'get',
    url: url,
  .then(response => {

Now here comes the question, my browser console tells me that

xhr.js?ec6c:178 GET http://localhost:8080/getnews 504 (Gateway Timeout)

and the terminal says:

Error occurred while trying to proxy request /getnews from localhost:8080 to (ECONNREFUSED)

so it looks like the proxy doesn't work out, my request still goes to my localhost. Anyone knows how to fix that?


  • I finally figure out with the help of my friend. It's the lack of port number that causing the problem. The code should be like this:

    proxyTable: {
      '/getnews': {
        target: ''
        changeOrigin: true,
        secure: false,
        pathRewrite: {
          '^/getnews': '/getnews'

    Then it works just fine.