When trying to use RxJava with room, I am getting an error that the generated code is wrong. When returning a Single, it works fine. But when using flowable or observable its adding an extra boolean param to the generated method causing an error.
@Query("SELECT * FROM cards")
fun cardsStream(): Observable<List<Card>>
error: no suitable method found for createObservable(RoomDatabase,boolean,String[],<anonymous Callable<List<Card>>>)
the generated method. If I remove the false
then it compiles. But obviously I cannot do that as this is generated code.
return RxRoom.createObservable(__db, false, new String[]{"cards"}, new Callable<List<Card>>() {
implementation 'androidx.room:room-rxjava2:2.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.room:room-rxjava2:2.2.2'
fixes it.