I have subclasses NSMutableURLRequest as follows:
class CustomNSMutableURLRequest: NSMutableURLRequest {
convenience init(url : URL) {
self.init(url: url)
self.httpShouldHandleCookies = false
self.httpMethod = "GET"
print("Custom Request!")
This causes an infinite loop at the self.init(url: url)
line. Using super
instead of self
doesn't work either. How can I fix this?
Unfortunately, you cannot override the exact convenience initializer within a subclass.
You may need to write something like this:
class CustomNSMutableURLRequest: NSMutableURLRequest {
convenience init(url : URL) {
self.init(url: url, cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: 60)
self.httpShouldHandleCookies = false
self.httpMethod = "GET"
print("Custom Request!")
But I'm not sure if subclassing is really needed, I would add some factory method to URLRequest
like this:
extension URLRequest {
public static func customRequest(url: URL) -> URLRequest {
var result = URLRequest(url: url)
result.httpShouldHandleCookies = false
result.httpMethod = "GET"
print("Custom Request!")
return result