I'm quite new to DynamoDB. So I have a lot of questions about this one.
I made a model relationship like below
Table Relationship
have many ProjectsTables Model
Users Table
| UserID (PK) | Attributes |
| U_01 | ... |
| U_02 | ... |
| U_03 | ... |
Projects Table
| ProjectId | Attributes |
| PJ_01 | ... |
| PJ_02 | ... |
| PJ_03 | ... |
UserProject Table
| UserID (PK) | ProjectID (SK) | Attributes |
| U_01 | PJ_01 | ... |
| U_02 | PJ_02 | ... |
| U_03 | PJ_01 | ... |
Suites Table
| SuiteId (SK) | ProjectId (PK) | Attributes |
| S_01 | PJ_01 | ... |
| S_02 | PJ_02 | ... |
| S_03 | PJ_01 | ... |
Cases Table
| CaseId (PK) | SuiteId (SK) | Attributes |
| C_01 | S_01 | ... |
| C_02 | S_01 | ... |
| C_03 | S_01 | ... |
In order to update or delete a test case (ex: C_01), i gotta make sure that users mustn't delete non-owned items (ex: U_02 will not allow to delete C_01). BTW, I got user id from token after authenticated
I've designed a API Endpoint like below to UPDATE or DELETE data. Could you tell me your best practices in this case. Thanks a lot.
UPDATE: /cases/:id
DELETE: /cases/:id
(I don't make some thing like /projects/:prjId/suites/:sId/case/:cId as Microsoft best practices suggestion in API creation)
After some days, I rethink the way I approached table for relational model.
With DynamoDB, we have 2 definitions to resolve RDS. - Global Secondary Index (GSI) - Adjacency List
And I figure out "AWS re:Invent 2018: Amazon DynamoDB Deep Dive: Advanced Design Patterns for DynamoDB" Video. Blown my mind.
They suggest that we should use 1 table for 1 application
, Hierarchical Data Structure as Items
, pair partition key and sort key to query
and GSI
But I still no clear in my case until @Rick Houlihan give me an answer.