I have a table and on each row I have a "Delete" button. What I want to do is pass the row id through onclick function of that button to a "delete" function on controller.
My controller
def studentDelete():
rec_id = request.args(0)
crud.delete(db.student, rec_id,next=URL('Home','Students_List'))
My view (when I click on the button, shows a modal to help the user confirm or cancel the delete action. #warning is the id of the accept button from the modal if the user decides to delete the record.)
<div class='btn-group btn-group-justified JpositionA'><a class='btn btn-warning Jview btn-xs opciones'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span></a></div>;
$(document).on('click', '.opciones', function(e){
btn = $(this);
var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
var row = tabla.row( tr );
var datos=row.data();
var id_record=datos.student.id;
.one('click', '#warning', function(e) {
ajax('{{=URL('Tools', 'studentDelete')}}' + '?value=' + id_record);
The Javascript code is sending the record ID to the server in the query string as the value
variable, but the Python code is expecting the ID in request.args
. You can simply change the Python code to:
rec_id = request.get_vars.value