I have an encrypted message as a string in python. I want to decrypt it with a program called gpg.
In terminal, using gpg requires:
Is there a way to do all of this in python when the encrypted message is saved in a variable in python? I know you use the os module to make terminal commands to other programs.
import os
import getpass
message = '093j0rawrkj2or2r'
private_key = getpass.getpass()
os.system("gpg --decrypt -a")
To input the encrypted string, you can echo
it out first then pipe in the gpg
echo <message> | gpg --decrypt ...
To input the passphrase, there are a number of ways depending on your env and gpg version. What worked on my Ubuntu 18.04.2 with gpg 2.2.4 was to use --pinentry-mode=loopback
and then passing in --passphrase
gpg --decrypt -a --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase="yourpassphrase"
The Python code will then look something like this:
import os
message = '093j0rawrkj2or2r'
command = "echo '{}' | gpg --decrypt -a --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase=yourpassphrase".format(message)
But putting the actual --passphrase-yourpassphrase
is very insecure. An alternative is to put the passphrase in some file then use --passphrase-file
option instead.
import os
message = '093j0rawrkj2or2r'
command = "echo '{}' | gpg --decrypt -a --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase-file=yourpassphrasefile".format(message)
I don't know where you got the encrypted message, but I usually work with encrypted files. If the encrypted input is from a file, just replace echo <string>
with cat <filepath>
cat somefile.txt | gpg --decrypt -a --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase-file=yourpassphrasefile