I am trying to write asynchronous test with AsyncFeatureSpec
as the following:
import java.net.ConnectException
import org.scalatest._
final class SapRsSpec extends AsyncFeatureSpec
with Matchers
with GivenWhenThen {
feature("Kafka distribution to a server via websocket") {
scenario("Send data to SAP server when Kafka is DOWN") {
Given("Kafka server is NOT active")
When("consumer client get started")
val ex = SenderActor.run
Then("print message `Failed to connect to Kafka`")
ex.failed map { ex =>
scenario("Send data to a server when Kafka is UP") {
Given("Kafka server is active")
When("consumer client get started")
Then("print message `Successfully connected to Kafka`")
the compiler complains:
Error:(20, 36) type mismatch;
found : java.net.ConnectException
required: org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
Error:(27, 11) type mismatch;
found : Unit
required: scala.concurrent.Future[org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion]
Then("print message `Successfully connected to Kafka`")
At the first scenario, I would like to test against the received exception type and I do not know, how to do it.
matcher can be used to check against the received exception's type like so
ex.failed map { ex =>
ex shouldBe a [ConnectException]
which should resolve the first compiler error. Regarding the second error, we must end async style tests in an assertion or matcher expressions:
...the second test will be implicitly converted to
and registered. The implicit conversion is fromAssertion
, so you must end synchronous tests in some ScalaTest assertion or matcher expression. If a test would not otherwise end in typeAssertion
, you can placesucceed
at the end of the test.
Thus writing succeed
at the end of a test body will temporarily satisfy the type checker until we write actual checks:
scenario("Send data to a server when Kafka is UP") {
succeed // FIXME: add proper checks