I generated a microservice application using JHipster then I generated a lot of entities by using the JHipster "import-jdl" command.
But recently I noticed that after running import-jdl command, newly created changelog files not being reflected on master.xml Liquibase file and CacheConfiguration class not being updated with a newly created entity.
I think that behaviour happened because JHipster skips the files overriding. But it should ask me before generation if I want to force or skip the file overriding.
I know the reason for this issue. by mistake, I remove the notes added by JHipster when the application was created
<!-- jhipster-needle-liquibase-add-changelog - JHipster will add liquibase changelogs here -->
<!-- jhipster-needle-liquibase-add-constraints-changelog - JHipster will add liquibase constraints changelogs here -->
// jhipster-needle-ehcache-add-entry