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Can a scala type class have abstract type members?

I have this type class:

sealed trait DbValueOps[T <: DbValue] {
  type R
  def apply(newContent: R): Option[T]
  def fromString(newContent: String): Option[T]
  def isValidContent(newContent: R): Boolean

with this type class instance:

package object DbOps {
  implicit val dbStringOps: DbValueOps[DbString] = new DbValueOps[DbString] {
    type R = String
    def apply(newContent: String): Option[DbString] =
      isValidContent(newContent) match {
        case true => Some(new DbString(newContent))
        case false => None
    def fromString(newContent: String): Option[DbString] = this(newContent)
    def isValidContent(newContent: String): Boolean = !newContent.isEmpty

But when trying to use the type class instance with something like dbStringOps.isValidContent(newContent) where newcontent is a string, i get a type mismatch:

found   : newContent.type (with underlying type String)
required: database.DbOps.dbStringOps.R

I can get it to work by converting R from an abstract type member to a type parameter, but that is ugly since R is already determined when i'm writing the implementation of the type class.


  • add type annotations on that implicit val.

    implicit val dbStringOps: DbValueOps[DbString] { type R = String } = ...


    receive implicit parameter using this signature.

    def f()(implicit db: DbValueOps[DbString] { type R = String }) = ...

    can also write like this.

    type AUX[A, T] = DbValueOps[A] { type R = T }
    def f()(implicit db: AUX[DbString, String]) = ...