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How to fit a nls model with mixed effects

I want to fit a linear-plateau model with random effects. I found a way to fit the function with nls(), but I don't know how to include random effects. Here is what i have so far:

#create data

#create linear-plateau function
lp=function(x, a, b, c){
  ifelse(x > c, a + b * c, a + b * x)

#fit the model without random effects
p10=nls(y ~ lp(x, a, b, c), data = df, start = list(a = 0, b = 15, c = 4))

lines(x=c(0, coef(p10)["c"],max(df$x)), 
          (coef(p10)["a"] + coef(p10)["b"] * coef(p10)["c"]),
          (coef(p10)["a"] + coef(p10)["b"] * coef(p10)["c"])),lty=2)

What I want to do is to include z as a random effect, since all data collected from the same z level are not independent. I know how to model mixed effects with nlmer function from lme4 package, but I don't know how to fit the linear-plateau model with it.


  • You can do this with the nlme package, but the data you've given us aren't going to be sufficient to succeed in fitting a random-effects model.

    Start by fitting a gnls() (generalized non-lin least squares) model, which allows for fixed-effect differences among groups:

    p20 = gnls(y ~ lp(x, a, b, c),
               params= list(a+b~z, c~1),
               data = df,
               start = list(a = c(0,0), b=c(15,15), c=4))

    (I initially tried params = list(a+b+c~z), with appropriate changes to start, but the fit didn't succeed. It might be possible to tweak control parameters to make that model work ...)

    Now as a random effects model. This doesn't succeed - you would almost definitely need to have more than two groups - but it should give you the idea.

    p30 = nlme(y ~ lp(x, a, b, c),
               random = a+b~1|z,
               fixed = a+b+c ~ 1,
               data = df,
               start = c(a=0, b=15, c=4)

    Doing this with nlmer is a little fussier as you have to define a function that returns the gradients as well as the value of the objective function.