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How to use Spring boot, JOOQ and Flyway together?

So, let's consider a general Spring boot application, which uses JOOQ for database database access, and Flyway for database migration. The project uses gradle for dependency management.

I want the following things:

  1. Run my application in docker. So, I want to use only in environment variables ( Hence, I don't know, how to configure both spring boot application properties (database login and password) and gradle JOOQ plugin database login and password.
  2. Automatic generation JOOQ classes. Flyway migration runs, when an application has started. But JOOQ generates code in gradle build task. So, we see wrong order of tasks execution.


  • I have a very similar setup, but resorted to manual action to generate Jooq classes. I need them for development, so it makes no sense for me to delay the generation till target environment.

    I decided to run a local dB for development purposes. I run it in docker, but this is a detail in the entire setup.

    When I have a new migration, I run it with flyway grade plugin against the local dB. Then I regenerate Jooq classes with grade Jooq plugin.

    When the app is deployed in the target environment, I rely on flyway to run migration on startup. I have matching Jooq classes packaged, so everything works smoothly.