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Jekyll - How to set YAML front matter default for home page only?

I am currently developing a personal blog using Jekyll (using this blog post for an easy setup guide). I am trying to re-use an HTML file so that one url "/" displays some text while a different url "/posts" displays something slightly different. To do this, I am trying to set a Font Matter Default in _config.yml that will only apply to one of the paths, the home path "/".

Here's the code I'm using to set up the Font Matter Default:

# site defaults (
  - scope:
      path: ""
      display_num_posts: 5

The issue I'm facing is that path: "" applies to all pages, so my variable display_num_posts will be set to 5 on every page where my HTML file is used (both "/" and "/posts").

My question: How can I set a path to only include the home page? With no extra "/posts" in the url?

I've tried searching on the page, but couldn't find an answer. I also tried setting path: "/", but that path didn't match any url at all.


  • Apparently this can be done by setting the path to the base index.html file like this:

    # site defaults (
      - scope:
          path: "index.html"
          display_num_posts: 5

    I found this was possible on this blog post.

    Hope this helps someone as it helped me.