I have Pandas dataframe that looks like following.I have tokenized my text files and used NLTK
to convert into pandas
dataframe. In addition, I have already removed stopwords and punctuation from my coupus. I am trying to find most frequent words in my corpus in pandas
dataframe. In below dataframe,words such as "aaron" and "abandon" aprreared >10 times, thus those words should be in new dataframe.
Note: I am new to python, and I am not sure how to implement this. Provide explanation with code.
Subset of the dataframe
I already already clean my corpus and my dataframe
looks like following
{'aaaahhhs': {990: 0, 991: 0, 992: 0, 993: 0, 994: 0, 995: 0, 996: 0, 997: 0, 998: 0, 999: 0, 1000: 1}, 'aahs': {990: 0, 991: 0, 992: 0, 993: 0, 994: 0, 995: 0, 996: 0, 997: 0, 998: 0, 999: 0, 1000: 1}, 'aamir': {990: 0, 991: 0, 992: 0, 993: 0, 994: 0, 995: 0, 996: 0, 997: 0, 998: 0, 999: 0, 1000: 1}, 'aardman': {990: 0, 991: 0, 992: 0, 993: 0, 994: 0, 995: 0, 996: 0, 997: 0, 998: 0, 999: 0, 1000: 2}, 'aaron': {990: 0, 991: 0, 992: 0, 993: 0, 994: 0, 995: 0, 996: 4, 997: 0, 998: 0, 999: 0, 1000: 14}, 'abandon': {990: 0, 991: 0, 992: 0, 993: 0, 994: 0, 995: 0, 996: 0, 997: 0, 998: 0, 999: 0, 1000: 16}}
If need top N words:
N = 2
print (df.sum().nlargest(N).index)
Index(['aaron', 'abandon'], dtype='object')
Another solution:
print (df.sum().sort_values(ascending=False).index[:N])
Index(['aaron', 'abandon'], dtype='object')
If need also counts in one column DataFrame
or Series
(remove to_frame
N = 2
print (df.sum().nlargest(N).to_frame('count'))
aaron 18
abandon 16
print (df.sum().sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[:N].to_frame('count'))
aaron 18
abandon 16
If need 2 column DataFrame
print (df.sum().nlargest(N).rename_axis('word').reset_index(name='count'))
word count
0 aaron 18
1 abandon 16
print (df.sum()
word count
0 aaron 18
1 abandon 16