I'm trying to write a python script for GIMP, who's aim is to slice a picture into a tileset (identify each unique 16x16 tiles in a picture).
So far, I'm able to read tiles (in fact a 16x16 pixels region) and write it somewhere. But all my attempts at comparing tiles failed.
Did I miss Something ? My script is as follow:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from gimpfu import *
# compare 2 tiles,
# return 1 if identical, false otherwise
def tileCompare(tile1, tile2):
if(tile1 == tile2):
return 1
return 0
# return tile at (x, y) coordinates
def readTile(layer, x, y):
pr = layer.get_pixel_rgn(x,y,16,16)
return pr[x:x+16, y:y+16]
# write tile at (x, y) coordinates on given layer
def writeTile(layer, x, y, tile):
pr = layer.get_pixel_rgn(x,y,16,16)
pr[x:x+16, y:y+16] = tile
def TilesSlicer(sourceLayer, targetLayer):
# Actual plug-in code will go here
# iterate tiles (result in tileSource)
for x in range(0, sourceLayer.width, 16):
for y in range(0, sourceLayer.height, 16):
tileSource = readTile(sourceLayer, x, y)
found = 0
# iterate tiles again (result in tileIterator)
for a in range(0, sourceLayer.width, 16):
for b in range(0, sourceLayer.height, 16):
tileIterator = readTile(sourceLayer, x, y)
# compare tiles
# if identical and not yet found
# write it in the target layer
if (tileCompare(tileSource, tileIterator) == 1):
if(found == 0):
writeTile(tileIterator, a, b, tileSource)
found = 1
"Tiles slicer",
"Slice a picture into tiles",
"Fabrice Lambert",
"Fabrice Lambert",
"April 2019",
"Tiles slicer...",
(PF_DRAWABLE, "sourceLayer", "Source Layer: ", None),
(PF_DRAWABLE, "targetLayer", "Target Layer: ", None),
menu="<Image>/Filters/My Scripts")
Thanks for your suggestions.
I found the problem:
tileIterator = readTile(sourceLayer, a, b)
instead of:
tileIterator = readTile(sourceLayer, x, y)