When setting up a PayPal reference transaction, I receive via the IPN (txn_type=mp_signup
) a status code called mp_status
. I assume that this is the approval code, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation on this code.
My specific code is mp_status=0
The documentation that does exist states that mp_status
The agreement status. Possible values are A for an active agreement and I for an inactive agreement (equivalent to canceled).
As you can see the mp_status that I received is not covered in this blurb. I assume that this means a failed signup, since the value is not "A", payments being a zero-sum game. This is assumption is possibly contradicted by another value in the post reason_code=mp_2001
, which thanks to this SO post, I know is the successful creation of a billing agreement.
Given these values from the PayPal IPN, what is the status of this reference transaction? Has a recurring billing (BAID) agreement been created?
That mp_status does not appear to indicate anything out of the ordinary; I would ignore it unless you find either a documented or empirical reason to pay attention to it