I am trying to write a zip function in Idris that combines arbitrarily many vectors of the same length (len
) into a single vector of HList
That is, I am trying to generalize the following function:
module Zip
import Data.Vect
%default total
zip2 : (Vect len a, Vect len b) -> Vect len (a, b)
zip2 ([], []) = []
zip2 ((x :: xs), (y :: ys)) = (x, y) :: zip2 (xs, ys)
I define my own HList
("heterogenous list") using vectors:
data HList : Vect n Type -> Type where
Nil : HList []
(::) : (x : a) -> (xs : HList as) -> HList (a :: as)
Here is a variant of the zip2
function using this HList
zip2H : HList [Vect len a, Vect len b] -> Vect len (HList [a, b])
zip2H [[], []] = []
zip2H [(x :: xs), (y :: ys)] = [x, y] :: zip2H [xs, ys]
So far, so good.
Now the general case.
The type signature for arbitrarily many vectors to zip gets a fair bit more complicated, but I am confident that I got it right.
is the number of vectors to zip. len
is the length of each of these vectors:
vects : (len : Nat) -> Vect n Type -> Vect n Type
vects len as = map (\type => Vect len type) as
-- Example:
-- `vects len [a, b] = [Vect len a, Vect len b]`
-- You cannot pattern-match on types in Idris, so you cannot get an `a` from an `Vect len a`. Instead, I go the other way around in `zip` and pass my `a`s implicitly.
zip : {types : Vect (S n) Type} -> {len : Nat} -> HList (vects len types) -> Vect len (HList types)
Now my problem is: I cannot write even the left hand side of the definition of zip
. The type checker keeps complaining.
An example:
zip {n = Z} [xs] = ?zip_rhs1
zip xs = ?zip_rhs2
When checking left hand side of Zip.zip:
When checking an application of Zip.zip:
Type mismatch between
HList [a] (Type of [xs])
HList (Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\type =>
Vect len
types) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\type =>
Vect len
What am I missing? Am I using the implicit parameters in a wrong manner? Do I need to write some proofs? Is there a better way to structure the function type signature?
(My Idris version is 1.3.1-git:a93d8c9
EDIT: Using HTNW's code I still get basically the same error:
module Zip
import Data.Vect
%default total
data HList : Vect n Type -> Type where
Nil : HList []
(::) : (x : a) -> (xs : HList as) -> HList (a :: as)
vects : (len : Nat) -> Vect n Type -> Vect n Type
vects len as = map (\type => Vect len type) as
multiUnCons : {len : Nat} -> {types : Vect n Type} ->
HList (vects (S len) types) -> (HList types, HList (vects len types))
multiUnCons {types = []} [] = ([], [])
multiUnCons {types = t :: ts} ((x :: xs) :: xss) with (multiUnCons xss)
| (ys, yss) = (x :: ys, xs :: yss)
zip : {types : Vect n Type} -> {len : Nat} ->
HList (vects len types) -> Vect len (HList types)
zip {len = Z} _ = []
zip {len = S n} xss with (multiUnCons xss)
| (ys, yss) = ys :: zip yss
testVectors : HList [Vect 3 Nat, Vect 3 Char]
testVectors = [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]
*zip> :t Zip.zip testVectors
(input):1:4-23:When checking an application of function Zip.zip:
Type mismatch between
HList [Vect 3 Nat, Vect 3 Char] (Type of testVectors)
HList (vects len types) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
[Vect 3 Nat, Vect 3 Char]
Data.Vect.Vect n implementation of Prelude.Functor.Functor, method map (\type =>
Vect len
needs more information:
*zip> the (Vect 3 (HList [Nat, Char])) (zip testVectors)
[[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']] : Vect 3 (HList [Nat, Char])
*zip> zip {types=[Nat, Char]} testVectors
[[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']] : Vect 3 (HList [Nat, Char])
You have to match on types
, too. By matching on types
, you also reveal something about vects len types
, and this is what allows you to further match on the HList (vects len types)
argument. Also, the S n
length requirement on types
is unnecessary and broken. Finally, I think you actually need to recurse on len
first, then on types
. The recursion on types
is best written as a different function:
multiUnCons : {len : Nat} -> {types : Vect n Type} ->
HList (vects (S len) types) -> (HList types, HList (vects len types))
multiUnCons {types = []} [] = ([], [])
multiUnCons {types = t :: ts} ((x :: xs) :: xss) with (multiUnCons xss)
| (ys, yss) = (x :: ys, xs :: yss)
And zip
itself is pretty simple:
zip : {types : Vect n Type} -> {len : Nat} ->
HList (vects len types) -> Vect len (HList types)
zip {len = Z} _ = []
zip {len = S n} xss with (multiUnCons xss)
| (ys, yss) = ys :: zip yss