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MarkLogic json:transform-from-json with multiple namespaces?

In MarkLogic, is it possible to use json:transform-from-json to convert json into XML with multiple namespaces? For example, how to convert

  options: {
    format: "xml"


<options xmlns="xdmp:http-get">
  <format xmlns="xdmp:document-get">xml</format>


  • There is nothing in the example JSON that would indicate that those namespaces should be applied to the XML elements.

    If you use json:transform-from-json() the resulting XML will be in the namespace.

    <json type="object" xmlns="">
      <options type="object">
        <format type="string">xml</format>

    You would then need to transform that XML in order to get those elements in the desired namespaces. One way to do that would be with a recursive typeswitch function:

    xquery version "1.0-ml";
    declare namespace j = "";
    import module namespace json=""
     at "/MarkLogic/json/json.xqy";
    declare function local:convert($node as node()) as item()* {
        case attribute() return ()
        case element(j:json) return local:convert($node/node())
        case element(j:options) return element {fn:QName("xdmp:http-get", $node/local-name())} {local:convert($node/node())}
        case element() return element {fn:QName("xdmp:document-get", $node/local-name())} {local:convert($node/node())}
        default return $node
    let $json := '{
      options: {
        format: "xml"
    return local:convert(json:transform-from-json( $json ))

    However, if you are attempting to construct the XML in order to build options for xdmp:document-get(), you might that it is easier to specify the options using a map:map instead of the XML form.

    Options with which to customize this operation. You can specify options as either an XML element in the "xdmp:document-get" namespace, or as a map:map. The options names below are XML element localnames. When using a map, replace the hyphens with camel casing. For example, "an-option" becomes "anOption" when used as a map:map key.

    If you have the JSON object, you can select the options property and then use fn:data() or xdmp:from-json() to atomize the options object-node as a map:
